
Ask a Teen about your QUERY!!!

Here's your chance! I have a group of teens (girls AND guys) all ready to look over your query and tell you what they think. Did it draw them in? Make them want to read more? Or was it a little confusing and hard to understand?

Don't forget, Pitch Madness is coming up next month, so you want to get your query as shiny bright and perfect as you can, and here is your chance to get feedback from your target demographic.

If you would like your query looked at, here is what you need to do.

Include your ms title, genre, and word count along with your query  and send it to writegrlja (at) gmail (dot) com. Please put "Ask a Teen" in the subject line. I will post the queries as they come in for commenting.

Each query will be read and a short thought offered from at least three teens. They will be offering honest feedback on their reactions to your query, and say if it would entice them to pick your book off the shelf. Teen Feedback will be posted March 3rd.

Use this chance to read and comment on the other queries...but please, play nice. Constructive criticism only.

That's it! Each month, I will be offering  different "ask a teen" segment. (some will be "ask a girl/guy" or, ask a teen to read your first page.) Feel free to share with your friends.


It's FRIDAY!!! *woot woot*

Feel free to break into whatever fun Friday song you choose. I'll go with "Friday I'm in Love."
Now, obviously it's been quite a while since I've posted...life had a nasty little way of you know...getting in the way.

That said....in honor of Friday, and all the deliciousness that entails, I bring you...Shirtless Friday!!!! (drumroll and salivating may begin now.)
