
TAG, you're IT!

So, I hop over to Twitter after 1) Actually finding some time to work on my WIP and 2) Glancing at the clock on my computer screen and FREAKING because I realize I missed the 11:00 time slot to submit for the pitch polish for GUTGAA by 30 minutes since I was so engrossed in writing.

Now, mind you, I had stuck my pitch in my draft folder YESTERDAY afternoon, all prepped and ready to go. BLAH. Anyhoo, much to my surprise...when I get to Twitter, I see I had been "Tagged"!

Apparently there is a nifty version of GUTGAA tag going on. I love our fellow GUTGANNs.  We are so fun and creative. =) I was tagged by the wickedly dashing and ever charming Robbie MacNiven. You can find Sir Robbie at his blog or on twitter.

Now I get to answer the questions, and then select my three victims.

What is the working title of your book?
Summer of Hope

Where did the idea come from for the book?
I actually started this book back in 2001, (yeah, that long ago.) But then the movie "A Walk to Remember" came out, and it had the girl dying from cancer and everyone knew about it, and all I could think was "Crap! My book has a kid dying. Everyone will think I ripped it off!" So I shelved it. But I didn't want to keep it there. So I waited ten years to take it back out. Anyway...to come back to answering the question, I just remembered reading something about twins feeling each others pain. And I thought how awful it would be for one to lose the other, especially in their teen years...how it would affect them emotionally at such a vulnerable age. How they would probably become so guarded. Then...it spun from there. What would happen if the first person she opens up to, there is a chance she loses too? Or does lose? And could her twin somehow reach out to her even after death?  

What genre does your book fall under?
YA contemporary...although I think since it does also have a pretty strong motivational message (but I don't think is "preachy" at all, I believe that Christian YA audiences might appreciate it as well. It does have current issues teens face like drinking, etc...but the MC grows throughout the book.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Hailee Steinfield. I think she has a natural beauty that you could work in as insecure teen around a bunch of bitchy Barbie types...for whatever reason she wouldn't necessarily see., And she has a vulnerability about her too.

What is the one-sentence short synopsis of your book?
A sixteen year old girl sees her twin brother die the year before and as a result is really messed up and angry at the world. She makes a vow to never let herself get close to anyone again because she doesn't want to lose them and feel pain like that again. They go away to their summer vacation home, she meets a boy (of course!), starts to fall for him, only to find out...he was hiding the fact that he's sick. Things go downhill fast from there, and spiral out of control in a big way. 
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I actually did self-publish, but am still trying to find an agent since I would like to go that route for it as well, and for the second in the series (Summer of Secrets), which features as the MC a secondary character from Summer of Hope.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Ha...not counting the 11 years I stopped writing? First draft? About a month.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
There is love, loss, and...obviously....hope. But there are also some twists and turns along the way. And some things that teens face and deal with worked in there.
Now it's my turn to TAG some people!  Below are three new GUTGAA friends I’ve chosen to be my innocent and unsuspecting victims. Be sure to give them each a look-see.  Happy writing! =)

JeanMarie Anaya @janaya75
Daniel_L_Baker @Daniel_L_Baker

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